EQ2’s Rich Sable Joins Other AEM Experts in the Cover Story: “A Workable AEM Program: Getting the Basics Right”
Rich joined Matt Baretich, Founder of Baretich Engineering; D. Courtney Nanney, National Quality Manager at Catholic Health Initiatives; Seth Blanchard, Biomedical Site Coordinator, WakeMed Health & Hosptials; and Thomas Todro, Engineer with The Joint Commission in this TechNation AEM Story, talking about how to make an AEM program successful.
Here is an excerpt from the story with some of Rich’s comments:
“Second, HTM leaders should create the policy and procedures for the organization’s AEM program, and make sure that their CMMS can retrieve the metrics outlined in the policy easily, especially if HTM leaders need to present them to a regulator during an inspection. For instance, EQ2’s AEM dashboard is continuously checking live data for updates to metrics in the database that would be part of the AEM policy, like equipment history, failure rates, device years, etcetera,” Sable adds.
He says that finally, you should identify all the “taboo” devices that should not be placed into an AEM program such as medical lasers, radiologic and imaging equipment, and high-risk devices.
“Once those items are identified, you can move on to the other inventory items for evaluation for AEM eligibility based on the metrics outlined in your organization’s AEM policy. It is important to remember that you must not reduce the safety or reliability of any medical device placed into an AEM program,” Sable says.